The Legal 500 2024: Doyle Clayton continues to rank highly

The Legal 500 United Kingdom edition has been published and we are delighted to be ranked highly across our services.
Employment – Top rankings maintained and a new ‘next generation partner’
Our Employment teams across our London and Reading offices have maintained their rankings from 2023, with our Reading office being placed in Tier 1 (Employment: Thames Valley), and our London offices being ranked in Tiers 2 and 4, for Senior Executives* and Employers** respectively.
Tina Wisener*** and Peter De Maria* have remain named as ‘leading individuals’, whilst Alison Garrow, who was promoted to partner in January 2023, has been named as a ‘next generation partner**’ for the first time.
Peter Daly’s work has continued to be recognised as he has been ranked as a ‘next generation partner’ in two categories, Employment: Senior Executives (London) and Employment: Employees/Unions, and Chris Brazier, who joined Doyle Clayton in 2023, is also named as a ‘next generation partner’.
There was further recognition of individuals cross the team, with Paul Hayward being named a ‘rising star’, and Adam Murdoch, Dan Begbie-Clench, Emma Hamnett, Helen Brooks, Karen Holden, Kate Kapp, Mike Hibberd, Piers Leigh-Pollitt, and Robert Maddox, all being named as ‘key lawyers’.
Immigration – Business Immigration climbs to Tier 2
The recent success and growth of our Business Immigration team has been recognised and rewarded with a Tier 2 ranking, a jump from 2023’s Tier 3 rank. Additionally, the personal immigration team has maintained its Tier 3 ranking for Immigration: Human rights, appeals, and overstay, with Malini Skandachanmugarasan being named as a ‘next generation partner’.
The team is headed by Anita de Atouguia, who was recognised as a “leader” and who has “built the Doyle Clayton team, orienting them to deliver the high quality of immigration service demanded by their clientele”, with their excellent work being further highlighted by Alfreda Joubert, Anna Blackden and Elisabeth Kynaston, all being recognised as ‘key lawyers’.
Education – Team maintains its Tier 1 ranking for work with individuals
The Education team maintained its Tier 1 and Tier 3 rankings for its work with individuals and schools respectively, with Simon Henthorn, who heads up the team, being recognised as a leading individual in both categories.
Amara Ahmad is once again named as a ‘rising star’ in the Education: Individuals category, and is also listed as a ‘recommended lawyer’ for Education: Schools. Additionally, Anna Blackden has been recognised for her work with individuals, as she has been listed as a ‘key lawyer’.
The team has been recognised for having ”real experts in the education sector who offer extensive experience, representing teachers and university lecturers in a variety of discrimination, contract breach, and misconduct claims”. Furthermore, the Legal 500 states that it “excels at handling contentious education work and is trusted by independent schools and multi academy trusts across the country, to advise on employment and student issues of a reputationally sensitive nature”.
We would like to thank all those who have contributed to the research and for their thoughtful and positive feedback. You can read our full The Legal 500 profile here.
*London - Employment: Senior Executives
**London - Employment: Employers
*** Employment: Thames Valley
The articles published on this website, current at the date of publication, are for reference purposes only. They do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Specific legal advice about your own circumstances should always be sought separately before taking any action.