Tribunal fee refunds - fewer than expected applying

1 min

Posted on 15 May 2018

The Ministry of Justice has indicated that it has received fewer applications for a refund of employment tribunal fees than expected.  

Tribunal fee refund - how is the government raising awareness of the right? 

The Supreme Court ruled last summer that employment tribunal fees were unlawful. As a result the government is refunding fees to everyone (claimants and respondents) who paid a fee since fees were introduced in July 2013. The government set aside £17m for refunds in 2017/18 but has recently confirmed to the House of Commons Justice Committee that its refund scheme will not achieve that level of refunds. It will therefore be writing to everyone who has paid a fee, but not yet applied for a refund, to raise awareness of the right to a refund. The first batch of 2,000 letters were sent out in April.   

What can you do to reclaim tribunal fees paid?

Click here for further details of the refund scheme and how to apply. You do not have to wait for a letter from the Ministry of Justice to apply.  

The articles published on this website, current at the date of publication, are for reference purposes only. They do not constitute legal advice and should not be relied upon as such. Specific legal advice about your own circumstances should always be sought separately before taking any action.

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