Significant Settlement for Civil Servant Eleanor Frances

Doyle Clayton has secured a significant settlement for its client Dr Eleanor Frances. Dr Frances, who was a civil servant, brought claims against two civil service departments, DCMS and DSIT, of constructive dismissal and discrimination. The claims were settled in December 2024.
Dr Frances’ discrimination claims relied on two protected philosophical beliefs – gender-critical belief and a belief in the integrity of the civil service. Her claim was that the civil service’s approach to transgender issues and single sex spaces were unlawful. She exhausted all internal attempts to address these issues, and having done so was left with no alternative but to resign her post. She did so in 2023.
The settlement was significant in two respects: firstly that the Civil Service settled for the full value of the claim, at a very early stage of proceedings; and secondly that there were no confidentiality restrictions placed upon the settlement.
Dr Frances’ solicitor, Doyle Clayton partner Peter Daly, said:
“This has been a long-running case, but could have been resolved quickly and simply several years ago. None of our client’s concerns were complex or controversial. She only ever sought the application of settled law in order to protect the civil service and her fellow civil servants. Prior to commencing litigation, she offered to settle her claim for £1 if that could be agreed. No response was received to this offer.
“Rather than treat our client equitably, the civil service forced her out of her career and spent a six-figure sum of taxpayers’ money in forcing the resulting litigation to go away.
“It is to be hoped that this experience will lead the civil service into a radical rethink of how it approaches disputes of this nature.
“Dr Frances also benefitted from extremely valuable advice and assistance offered to her by the Free Speech Union and by her barrister, Akua Reindorf KC of Cloisters Chambers.”
Press coverage of the case can be viewed here:
Peter Daly
Peter is one of the UK's leading employment lawyers and specialises in advising individuals as well as organisations.
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