Consultation on Exemption Afforded to Turban-Wearing Sikhs

1 min

Posted on 05 Mar 2014

The Government has consulted on a proposal to amend the provisions of section 11 of the Employment Act 1989 to extend the exemption afforded to turban-wearing Sikhs

Following representations which highlighted a legislative anomaly, the HSE is proposing to extend the exemption in section 11 Employment Act 1989 so that turban-wearing in any industry will be exempt from the need to wear head protection. The current exemption is limited to construction sites and this has led to problems for turban-wearing Sikhs in other areas, where the risk from falling objects is likely to be lower.

The HSE is also assessing the need to include details of sectors, tasks or roles that should not be included in the exemption because the risk to employees is too great to be tolerated. The exemption relates only to head protection and only to turban-wearing Sikhs. It does not extend to those Sikhs who do not wear turbans or to other personal protective equipment.

The consultation ended on 7 February 2014 and can be viewed here.

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